ECORIS3 PROJECT: Links of innovation in the European territories

Publié le 19 Jul 19

On July 8, 2019, on the occasion of the celebration of the Bureau Meeting of the Atlantic Cities network in Brussels, a thematic session focused on strengthening the links of innovation in the European territories in which the ECORIS3 project was presented.

The presentation was made by María Montoiro Salvado, Project Manager of the Atlantic Cities network in collaboration with Redina Mazelli, representative of the Metropolitan City of Torino.

The presentation was focused on the progress made so far in the framework of the ECORIS3 project, which is focused on the promotion of intelligent specialization not only in the academic, public and business (the triple helix) but also within the framework of the civil society (quadruple helix).

During the presentation there was a general description of the state of play of the project that currently has the participation of 7 partners in 7 countries, of which two are member cities of the Atlantic Cities’ network, Cork and San Sebastian, and Atlantic Cities as international advisor. Together they work to improve local innovation of ecosystems through Strategies RIS3.

Also, Redina Mazelli, took this opportunity to present the progress made in the Metropolitan City of Turin, especially focused on the development of a local action plan.

The ways in which the network of Atlantic Cities contributes to the project were also presented: At the transnational level, promoting the integration of Ecoris3 values ​​and sharing knowledge about the development of good practices by its members.

To obtain more information about the project, you can directly access the official ECORIS3 project page</a>. Also, in the following link you can access the presentation of the project carried out during the celebration of the Bureau Meeting:


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