Santiago de Compostela hosts the kick-off meeting of the EURE project

Santiago de Compostela

Publié le 12 Aug 19

On July 11, in the city of Santiago de Compostela, the kick-off meeting of the EURE project was carried out. This project is led by the Eixo Atlántico do Noroeste Peninsular representing local authorities in Galicia (Spain) and northern Portugal. A project funded under the INTERREG EUROPE program, focused on the development of urban environmental policies.

The project aims to promote the improvement of urban policies towards the development of a more sustainable economy. The Atlantic Cities Network is one of the 9 partners that will work to identify the best experiences of each country in the field of environmental policies and for this they will use different political instruments, as is the case of the European Fund’s operational program of Regional Development of the Brittany Region (France).

This project aims to execute local action plans as the basis for future proposals for efficient use of resources in urban areas.

During the official kick-off meeting of the project, the Atlantic Cities network, whose objective is to “promote an integrated strategy in the cities of the Atlantic Arc – towards sustainable urban development in the Atlantic area under the framework of multilevel governance”, has presented the axes on which it will focus its work in the framework of the project: the development of renewable energies, the reduction of CO2 emissions and the efficient use of resources.
Likewise, a study visit to the region of Brittany was adopted at the beginning of November 2019.

If you want to know more about the evolution of this project, you can follow us on our social networks Twitter, Facebook.

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