Atlantic Cities, Cities at the Forum

Forum Atlantic

Publié le 6 Feb 20

The CITIES Forum is a major biennial event organised by the European Commission, which brings together key stakeholders from European, national and local levels to debate the progress of the Urban Agenda for the EU, the urban dimension of Cohesion Policy as well as the EU response to the urban dimension of the 2030 Agenda and the New Urban Agenda. Atlantic Cities has been among the selected participants since the first edition of the Forum in 2014.

The 4th edition of the CITIES Forum took place in the Atlantic Coast, in Porto, on the 30-31 January 2020. The 600+ registered participants showed up to the two-day event, full of initiatives and opportunities for networking around the idea of a sustainable urban future for European cities.

ACA was represented by several cities, like Cork or Gijon but also by its Secretary General, Tamara Espiñeira. She had the opportunity to participate in several workshops but also to exchange with key actors of the European Urban community, such as Ricardo Rio, mayor of Braga, MEP Ciaran Cuffe, Normunds Poppens from DG REGIO & URBAN, Emmanuel Moulin from URBACT or her homologues and also members of Cities for Cooperation, Medcities and Eixo Atlantico who were also present.

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