Discover the EURE reports on EU urban policy!

Discover the EURE reports on EU urban policy!

Atlantic Cities is, since August 2019, a partner in the Interreg Europe EURE (Effectiveness of Environmental Urban policies to improve Resources Efficiency) project. This project aims to use interregional cooperation to improve the way the ERDF addresses the urban...
Atlantic Cities inspire European Green Economy

Atlantic Cities inspire European Green Economy

The Atlantic Cities as partner of the EURE project, funded under Interreg Europe programme, was working during the first semester of 2020 in the definition of urban challenges specific to the Brittany region and the good actions adopted by the regional government to...
Atlantic Cities for sustainable urban strategies

Atlantic Cities for sustainable urban strategies

The Atlantic Cities, partners of the European EURE project, co-financed by the ERDF under Interreg Europe programme, are working to improve urban strategies in terms of efficient use of resources. The Atlantic Cities, which represent a true European urban forum and...