Aug 31, 2022 | ECORIS3, Exchange, Innovation, Meetings, News, Projects
At the final ecoRIS3 conference in Riga, the Atlantic Cities network was able to take some key learnings and insights to rethink cities in this context of crisis. The final conference of the ecoRIS3 project, hosted by the Latvian partner, Vidzeme Planning Region, in...
Aug 5, 2022 | EURE, Exchange, News, Projects
European policymakers, elected representatives of small and medium cities in Europe, and the EURE partners gathered in Brussels to brainstorm on how to increase the participation of small and medium cities in the new European Urban Policy. Successful experiences, for...
Jun 2, 2022 | Atlantic Cities, Exchange, Meetings, Members, News
The City Mayor of Donostia / San Sebastian and President of the Atlantic Cities network, Eneko Goia, opened the second day of the network’s Seminar and General Assembly, which took place on 24 and 25 May in Donostia / San Sebastian. The meeting coincided in time...
May 13, 2022 | EURE, Exchange, News, Projects
Waste management and innovative urban development projects in Cyprus were at the heart of the 8th Study Visit of the Interreg Europe EURE project. As shown through visits and good practices, several projects are being developed to bring positive changes to the current...
Apr 8, 2022 | Exchange, Meetings, News, Projects
Atlantic Cities was present at the conference of the Erasmus+ ROSE (Rowing an Outdoor Sport for Education) project, which took place yesterday, April 7, 2022, in Saint-Nazaire. Yvonne PIOTELAT presented the European cooperation projects of the Atlantic Cities Network...
Apr 4, 2022 | ECORIS3, Exchange, Innovation, Members, News, Projects
Atlantic Cities has identified several innovative Good Practices of Portuguese Cities in the context of Covid-19, in the scope of the ecoRIS3 project. Within the EcoRIS3 project, the Atlantic Cities’ mission was to identify the Good Practices of its member cities...