Upcoming Webinar on Polycentric Tourism

Upcoming Webinar on Polycentric Tourism

Upcoming Webinar on Polycentric Tourism: “Balancing tourist flows and developing tourism in inland areas” As part of the European POST (INTERREG Atlantic) project on polycentric tourism, we are pleased to invite all interested tourism stakeholders to a...
2024 Atlantic Week in Bordeaux

2024 Atlantic Week in Bordeaux

Atlantic Cities was present at the Atlantic Week organised in Bordeaux in late November, where the two important Atlantic rendez-vous of the year were held: the Interreg Atlantic Area annual event and the Atlantic Stakeholders Platform Conference. The Atlantic...
Network Meeting in A Coruña

Network Meeting in A Coruña

On 14 November 2024, A Coruña kicked off its presidency of Atlantic Cities with a work meeting attended by representatives of its member cities. The meeting was hosted by the mayoress, Inés Rey, which marked the handover of the presidency of the network, after the...