
The Atlantic Cities at the European City Facility launching webinar

The Atlantic Cities at the European City Facility launching webinar

The Atlantic Cities as the unique urban forum for the Atlantic is in permanent search for its member cities’ opportunities at European level. To this regard, the Atlantic Cities was present at the European City Facility launching webinar last 7th April 2020. This...

AYCH Kids II Drawing Contest 2020. Open until 30th June 2020!!!

AYCH Kids II Drawing Contest 2020. Open until 30th June 2020!!!

In lockdown times, due to difficulties for some participants to take part on AYCH Kids II Drawing Contest 2020, Atlantic Cities has decided to extend its deadline to 30th June 2020. Moreover, categories and prizes were adapted to new circumstances and open to a...

7 Atlantic tools for remote working

Atlantic Cities Secretariat is on function and eager to receive your news and ideas. All staff is working remotely since March 4th. In this sense, please allow us to share some ideas on remote working and confinement time. Here, at Atlantic cities we are...

COVID 19 – Atlantic Cities Secretariat Measures

In accordance with the measures taken in Europe regarding the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, we inform you that: - The three employees of the secretariat have been working remotely since March 4. There have been no travels since then. - Contacts with the secretariat...

Atlantic Regional Initiative – Applications

Atlantic Regional Initiative – Applications

The Atlantic Regional Initiative, led by the European Space Agency, and of which the Atlantic Cities network is part as an expert, has published a call for tenders in order to address topics such as the blue economy, renewable energies and Atlantic cities and their...

Urban dimension of macro-regions

The fifth report on Cohesion Policy highlights both the role of cities as well as the specific problems derived from the geography, orography and position of certain territories. An ex ante evaluation of the sector policies will facilitate that the territorial...

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