The Atlantic Cities at the European City Facility launching webinar

European City Facility webinar

Publié le 17 Apr 20

The Atlantic Cities as the unique urban forum for the Atlantic is in permanent search for its member cities’ opportunities at European level. To this regard, the Atlantic Cities was present at the European City Facility launching webinar last 7th April 2020.

This initiative was officially launched at the Covenant of mayors Investment Forum held in February 2020 in Brussels and it is aimed at contributing to achieve EU climate goals. To this regard, 150 -200 Billion € will be available per year to support local investment, including UK cities for the first call which will be launched on 25th May 2020.

In particular, this initiative is focused on the delivery of the Energy Action Plans at local level. These plans need to count with real political commitment and it is addressed to small and medium size municipalities, as the case of the Atlantic Cities. It is worth to highlight, this action is also in line with the principles established in the Atlantic Cities Charter (reformulated in 2018), the San Sebastian Charter towards future sustainable cities within the Atlantic Arc.

Interested members are invited to consult the Atlantic Cities Secretariat.

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