The Atlantic Cities for a healthy Atlantic Ocean

Publié le 22 May 20

The Atlantic Cities is engaged for the preservation of a healthy Atlantic Ocean. To this regard, the Atlantic Cities has submitted a workshop proposal for the 2020 UN Ocean Conference which will be held in June 2020 in the city of Lisbon, our member city.

The workshop proposed relies under the topic: Cities as coastal ecosystems; leveraging linkages between SDG 14 and SDG 11 at which Atlantic Cities from the 5 EU Atlantic Countries will be represented as well as a group of youth ambassadors.

The main target is to contribute to the on-going reflections on the preservation of maritime ecosystems and its biodiversity under an integrated approach by linking the sea to the land as the Atlantic Cities represent places where ports are settled, where industries and urbanisation happen.

Therefore, a complete success for SDG 14 depends on a blue approach mainstreaming of the SDG11; the goal focused on making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe and resilient and sustainable. Ocean pollution, ecosystem’s conservation, sustainable fisheries, ocean-based economies, blue growth… are a clear example of this imbrication between both SDG.

On the occasion of the Atlantic Cities’ Association (ACA) 20th anniversary in 2020, the proposed side event aims to bring together outstanding Atlantic Maritime Cities from the 5 EU Atlantic Member States – Ireland, UK, France, Spain and Portugal. Atlantic Cities are engaged at European level in the preservation of maritime ecosystems & biodiversity. Cities represent a living lab for the sustainable development of the blue economy.

For further information do not hesitate to contact the Atlantic Cities secretariat.

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