The Atlantic Cities promotes gender equality in the maritime sector

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Publié le 19 Feb 20

The Atlantic Cities work to promote opportunities for women in the professional maritime sector.

To this extent, the Atlantic Cities, thanks to the liaison role led by the Brittany region, met the Director of Touline, Anne Le Page, on 28th January 2020 in Brest. The objective of this meeting was to share experiences and work together for the development of common strategies. La Touline represents a local agent for maritime employment and its main activity is represented by providing support towards maritime employment creation.

The work joint plan considers the need to establish a permanent dialogue and encouragement for women in the maritime sector and it is particularly aimed at providing training and promoting entrepreneurship for women. The She4Sea  Atlantic Cities project forms the basis for the development of this work.

For more information please contact the twitter profile @she4_sea.

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