
Green Cities: AYCH Kids II Drawing Contest 2020 is open!

Green Cities: AYCH Kids II Drawing Contest 2020 is open!

2020, green cities’ year in the Atlantic Arc  In 2020, two Atlantic Cities are at the forefront of European Green Cities. Lisbon, in Portugal is the European Green Capital, whereas Limerick, in Ireland, is the European Green Leaf. Moreover, the Atlantic Cities network...

Atlantic Cities happy to still be able to work with UK partners

Atlantic Cities happy to still be able to work with UK partners

Late January 2020 the UK government has announced the European Territorial Cooperation programmes will continue until the end of the current period 2014-2020. Therefore, UK partners involved in EU projects will continue to deliver ongoing project activities until the...

European Maritime Day: Costa to speak about Atlantic Port Cities

European Maritime Day: Costa to speak about Atlantic Port Cities

As we were preparing for the European Maritime Day in Cork, Atlantic Cities received the invitation from the European Commission to discuss about the new Atlantic Action Plan currently undergoing discussion at the European Institutions. Jose Maria Costa, ACA president...

Atlantic Cities in Empoli to work on urban integrated approaches

Atlantic Cities in Empoli to work on urban integrated approaches

The EURE partners gathered in Italy for the third meeting of the project. The Agency for the Development of the Empolese Valdelsa (ASEV) hosted this meeting that took place on 21-22 January 2020 in Empoli (Italy). The partners, guided by the EURE pool of experts,...

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