RIS3 Strategies key for the future of our territories

On March 20 and 21 the Atlantic Cities were in Brussels to present the Ecoris3 project to various strategic actors of the European Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises, Committee of the Regions, the Permanent Representations to the European Union of Ireland and...

ECORIS3 results presented to C4C networks in Bilbao

After several months working on the proposals for the future programming of European Territorial Cooperation, the networks composing “Cities for Cooperation Platform” (C4C) gathered in Bilbao on June 13<sup>th</sup> 2018. The representatives of Medcities,...

EcoRIS3: Initiatives for citizen participation

EcoRIS3, a project led by Fomento San Sebastián, focuses on innovation. The General Secretariat of the Atlantic Cities network provides political and technical follow-up of this project. At the invitation of Vidzeme Planning Region (Latvia) the project partners met in...

EcoRIS 3, the project is on track

EcoRIS3, a project led by Fomento San Sebastián, focuses on innovation. The Conference of Arc Atlantic Cities (CAAC) provides political and technical follow-up of this project. Cork, a founding member of CVAA, will host the partners of the Ecoris3 project on November...