Jun 1, 2021 | Environment, EURE, Projects
Atlantic Cities is, since August 2019, a partner in the Interreg Europe EURE (Effectiveness of Environmental Urban policies to improve Resources Efficiency) project. This project aims to use interregional cooperation to improve the way the ERDF addresses the urban...
Apr 30, 2021 | Blue Growth, Environment, EURE, Meetings, News, Projects
In the framework of the Blue Growth and Environment priorities of its action plan, Atlantic Cities will organise on 12 May 2021, starting at 10am (Paris time), a meeting on these two themes. The majority of Atlantic Cities members are coastal cities. This is why the...
Mar 10, 2021 | AYCH, News, Projects
Atlantic Youth Creative Hubs is a project financed by Interreg Atlantic Area. Launched in 2017, it gathered 11 partners from the Atlantic Arc to work on the promotion of creative and cultural entrepreneurship among young people (under 30yo). After nearly four years of...
Feb 25, 2021 | Atlantic Futures, AYCH, Blue Growth, Innovation, Members, News, Projects, Promotion, She4Sea
Following the joint decision at the Atlantic Cities General Assembly (9th November 2020) and the idea initiated by the Cotentin Agglomeration, we would like to announce that we are going to launch, following the development of our Strategic Plan 2021-2023, a working...
Dec 7, 2020 | Atlantic Futures, AYCH, ECORIS3, News, Projects
In the framework of the annual selection of the European Enterprise Promotion Awards (EEPA) on 9 September, the Atlantic Futures programme, an initiative of the Atlantic Cities, has been selected among the finalists in category 1: “Promoting...
Mar 13, 2020 | News, Projects, Projets
The Atlantic Regional Initiative, led by the European Space Agency, and of which the Atlantic Cities network is part as an expert, has published a call for tenders in order to address topics such as the blue economy, renewable energies and Atlantic cities and their...