
Atlantic Cities inspire European Green Economy

Atlantic Cities inspire European Green Economy

The Atlantic Cities as partner of the EURE project, funded under Interreg Europe programme, was working during the first semester of 2020 in the definition of urban challenges specific to the Brittany region and the good actions adopted by the regional government to...

Atlantic Youth Creative Hubs -AYCH project onwards in lockdown times

Atlantic Youth Creative Hubs -AYCH project onwards in lockdown times

All along the first semester of 2020, the Atlantic Cities Atlantic Youth Creative Hubs – AYCH project, co-financed by the ERDF under the Interreg Atlantic Area programme, has worked on its adaptation to new circumstances due to COVID19 impact on its planned activities...

Success stories in entrepreneurship: the Atlantic Futures program

Success stories in entrepreneurship: the Atlantic Futures program

The dimension of promoting entrepreneurship in the Atlantic Futures (FA) programme, approved at the General Assembly of Atlantic Cities in 2018, has reflected positive results throughout this year. An opportunity for talent created thanks to the creation of synergies...

Atlantic Cities Executive Bureau

Summer holidays are gone, and we are back with much more energy and enthusiasm to tackle existing and new challenges concerning the development of our cities and the future of the Atlantic Arc cooperation As so, we are pleased to announce that the Executive Bureau of...

Summer Holidays

Due to summer holidays, the General Secretariat will be closed from August 10th to 24th.

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35000 Rennes
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