
Winter meetings of the Atlantic Strategy Group

Atlantic Cities have been working towards an Atlantic Strategy since 2009; they are by far the only territorial network working on an urban dimension for macro regions. Therefore, Atlantic Cities plays a key role by promoting the contributions of its territories as...

The Atlantic Cities promotes gender equality in the maritime sector

The Atlantic Cities promotes gender equality in the maritime sector

The Atlantic Cities work to promote opportunities for women in the professional maritime sector. To this extent, the Atlantic Cities, thanks to the liaison role led by the Brittany region, met the Director of Touline, Anne Le Page, on 28th January 2020 in Brest. The...

The Atlantic Cities are ready for the Green Deal

The Atlantic Cities are ready for the Green Deal

The “Observatoire des villes vertes” (Green Cities Observatory) has published the 2020 edition of its "Green Cities Awards". Our member cities are present, among the top 10 cities in the ranking. Especially Poitiers in 6th, Rennes in 7th, and in 10th, Brest. Several...

She4sea presented to the All Atlantic Research Forum:

She4sea presented to the All Atlantic Research Forum:

Blue growth is among the five topics described as a development factor by the study on the future strategy of the Atlantic Cities 2020-2030, in order to contribute to the implementation of European policies in favour of the progress of the Atlantic Arc. On 6th and 7th...

Atlantic Cities, Cities at the Forum

Atlantic Cities, Cities at the Forum

The CITIES Forum is a major biennial event organised by the European Commission, which brings together key stakeholders from European, national and local levels to debate the progress of the Urban Agenda for the EU, the urban dimension of Cohesion Policy as well as...

Atlantic Cities for sustainable urban strategies

Atlantic Cities for sustainable urban strategies

The Atlantic Cities, partners of the European EURE project, co-financed by the ERDF under Interreg Europe programme, are working to improve urban strategies in terms of efficient use of resources. The Atlantic Cities, which represent a true European urban forum and...

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