AYCH’s agenda 2030 reaches european spheres!

The Youth Summit was Atlantic Youth Creative Hub (AYCH) final event. Debates were held from March 22nd to March 24th, to conclude the project’s existence. The recommendations produced after each debate were formalised into a Final Declaration, the Agenda 2030 and its...
The Atlantic Heritage City 2022 Contest is officially launched!

The Atlantic Heritage City 2022 Contest is officially launched!

We are glad to announce the Atlantic Heritage City 2022 Contest is now open! This contest seeks to put the light on an Atlantic City which distinguishes itself through its contribution to sustainable development, and that represents the Atlantic identity. Our...
Don’t miss AYCH’ Youth Summit !

Don’t miss AYCH’ Youth Summit !

Atlantic Youth Creative Hubs is a project financed by Interreg Atlantic Area. Launched in 2017, it gathered 11 partners from the Atlantic Arc to work on the promotion of creative and cultural entrepreneurship among young people (under 30yo). After nearly four years of...